Wednesday 26 June 2013

Paris Jackson is 'doing OK'

paris jackson 
Los Angeles - Paris Jackon's godfather Mark Lester has revealed she's "doing OK".

The British actor claims he has spoken to a member of the Jackson family and they've assured him the 15-year-old - the daughter of the late Michael Jackson - is on the road to recovery following her attempted suicide earlier this month.

Speaking on UK TV show Lorraine, Mark said: "I had some phone contact last week with a close member of the family (...) I understand that things, although are not great with Paris, they're not too bad and she's being looked after (...) she's doing OK, she'll be alright, she'll be fine."

A cry for help

The 54-year-old former child star believes the troubled teen - who overdosed on over-the-counter pills and slit her wrists - didn't intend to kill herself and the whole incident was just a cry for help.

He explained: "It's a serious incident obviously, but I hope it's not something that she really did mean to do, and from my understanding it wasn't a serious, serious attempt, but obviously it was a cry for help, and then we must respect that and try and do the best we can."

Mark - who claims he could be Paris and her elder brother Prince's biological father, as he donated sperm to the late Thriller star - insists he's having trouble getting in touch with the youngster because every source of contact has been cut off, but is certain things will be back on track within the next few months.

'Phone lines have been closed'

He explained: "In light of what's happened with Paris it's going to be even more difficult, because social media's closed down and phone lines have been closed (...) yeah OK, they're looking after her, I'm sure, in the best way they can, but eventually, maybe, in a couple of months time, when things start to get better for her, then lines of communication will open up again."

Paris also has a younger brother, Blanket, 11, and since Michael's death in June 2009, the three children have been cared for by their grandmother Katherine Jackson, 83, who is their legal guardian.

Tuesday 25 June was the fourth anniversary of the King of Pop's death

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